She Gets It: Sadie Robertson

What first comes to mind when you see this?


The emotions associated with Duck Dynasty range from adoration to abhorrence. In our society, you would be hard pressed to find any American without an opinion falling somewhere on that spectrum. Very few people have remained untouched by this show and family, for better or for worse.

In case you aren’t familiar with the Robertson family and the Duck Dynasty franchise, here is a guide to catch you up:

– Duck Dynasty began its first season in March 2012 on A&E; it’s 7th season kicks off tonight.

– The show chronicles the daily lives of the Robertson family from Monroe, Louisiana. They own a family business, Duck Commander, where they create products for duck hunters, namely duck calls.

– The Robertson’s are devoutly and openly Christian and place a high value on family.

– Following is a family tree:


There has been plenty of controversy raised from the show stemming from the Robertson’s Christian values. The controversy that took the world by storm came last December in 2013. When questioned in an interview with GQ Magazine on his opinion about homosexuality, the patriarch of the family, Phil Robertson, using the Bible, specifically 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, stated the debauchery of homosexuality.

To be honest, I was never a huge fan of the show; I had only seen a handful of episodes, I’m not a country girl, and I’ve never been hunting. However, as a devout Christian myself, I took notice once the comments were released and the backlash began. In an effort to not revive this issue, I’ll just say this: Was he right? Yes. Was he Biblical? Yes. Was he graceful in his answer? Not so much.

However, what I really want to talk about is the granddaughter of Phil Robertson, Sadie Robertson. The dimple faced 17 year-old is on this season of Dancing with the Stars and let me just say, she is killing it. The girl can dance. But what has really grabbed my eye and blown my mind is who she is as a person. She is as sweet and down-to-Earth as they come. She has used her fame as a platform for Jesus. And it’s infectious.

Sadie Robertson

Sadie Robertson

There are plenty of stars that claim, and are, Christians. But there is no one quite like Sadie Robertson. She gives the glory to God in every situation; she stands by her values in her dance moves and costumes choices. Her social media pages show her dressed in modest, but adorable outfits. She shares verses of scripture, prayers, and encouragements with her fans and followers. She recently released a book that has teenaged girls across the U.S. dedicating their lives to a faith and a God so much greater than themselves or any one person, even Sadie Robertson herself. How many people would write a book that brought them zero glory or fame? Not too many is my guess.

On Tuesday, the rising dancer took to her Instagram account, legitsadierob, to share the following thoughts:

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After seeing this, it’s hard to believe she is only 17. If we’re being completely honest, there aren’t too many 17 year olds with this kind of spiritual maturity, I definitely wasn’t one of them. There is something incredible about her hearing the comment, knowing the scripture, and sharing that. She gets it. She really gets it.

And even though I’m just a few years removed from 17 myself, I see in her such greatness and such a potential to change the world just by being who she is. She believes the same things her family does and supports what her grandfather, Phil, said in GQ. What’s different is she does it with a little more grace and finesse and people love that. People love her. And Sadie really loves Jesus. You don’t need me to spell out what that means and neither does she.

She gets it and because of that. the world is getting Jesus. And for that, I am incredibly thankful.

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